At our company, we offer public speeches by our experts on strategic topics at an advanced level. Our experts are ready to speak at any business event, including internal company events, industry conferences, or similar events, where the audience is interested in strategic management.
We specialize in providing unique content on the entire strategic management process, starting from the strategic dialogue inside companies and finishing with practical tools of strategy realization. We cover a range of strategic themes on our site, some only after official publication in the specialized (usually scientific) press.
Our experts always tailor cases to the level of the audience, ensuring that the information presented is relevant and helpful. We offer several standard topics and their combinations, including corporate, business, functional, and infrastructure strategies, strategic management quality and management system audit, the concept of dynamic capabilities, process-oriented strategic management and its implementation, and a balanced scorecard.

We offer different speech formats, including a speech at a thematic conference, a master class or seminar on the topic, a corporate arrangement such as a conference or strategy session, or any other format, including online inclusion.
To invite one of our experts, contact us through the feedback form on our website, providing details about the event format, intended audience, city, and the exact date. We will contact you within one business day to discuss financial and technical details. Alternatively, you can call us at the phone numbers listed on our website.