Individual Learning Path: How to Design and Manage
- Categories Personal Strategy, All
- Tags personal planning, personal strategy, self development
A learning path is a sequence of acquiring a specific combination of knowledge necessary to achieve a required or desired qualification level in a chosen field.
An individual learning path is a personalized learning and development trajectory based on an individual’s strategy for achieving long-term personal goals. Synonyms: individual learning, personalized learning, individual learning, education path, etc.
When developing an educational route, one should consider long-term trends and dynamics in the labor market, learning methods, intellectual, physical, and ethical level, interests and aptitudes and resources (time, abilities, money, etc.) of an individual.
To help you with your learning path, we’ll explain what it is and how to tailor it to your objectives. This article is the core of the corresponding lesson in our Personal Strategy course and has a rather extensive program, according to which we will:
- Introduce the concept of a learning path,
- Identify the relationship between company strategy, personal strategy, and learning pathways,
- Take a detailed self-test to determine the best learning path.
An educational trajectory fills gaps in an individual’s development. To identify those gaps, check your development level in 20 areas of life (if you haven’t already taken the test).
Table of Contents
Express Life Balance Wheel + sIQ Assessment
To get the most out of this reading, we recommend taking a quick self-assessment. This will help you apply the new knowledge more effectively and achieve better results.
Unlock your potential with 5 essential metrics:
- Strategium Personal Score – track 20 key areas of life.
- External Trend Impact – assess your environment.
- Personal Enhancement Mode – level of effort required.
- Strategic Planning Horizon – advised planning period.
- Strategium Intelligence Quotient – your new benchmark.
Crafting Personal Learning Path: A Guide to Getting Started
Going on our learning path within a school or university, we adhere to the established curriculum and available disciplines. However, even within these structures, there is room for customization.
As we progress through higher education and enter the realm of post-graduation, the opportunities for personalization expand significantly. Making the right choices becomes paramount.
To design a learning path, we should consider how we engage with learning materials, our preferred learning methods, and the specific types of knowledge we seek to acquire. Additionally, we must evaluate our capabilities, aptitudes, perspectives, interests, and dedication to invest in the desired learning outcomes.
Above all, our learning path should:
- Consider our long-term goals and strategies for achieving our envisioned future.
- Commence during childhood and continue as a lifelong pursuit.
Individual Learning Path: Career Paths-Based Design
As illustrated in the diagram below, there are a diverse array of career paths in the blockchain industry. In our forthcoming lesson, we will delve deeper into the specifics of these paths. However, it is worth noting that these pathways are affected by the technical background of an individual.
The framework depicted in the diagram enables anyone to craft a personalized learning path within the blockchain industry.
It is essential to recognize that the range of roles available within the industry is contingent upon prior experience. Those with a technical background enjoy more job opportunities and often require less supplementary training: Highly illustrative example of tailoring the educational trajectory to suit individual needs. For instance, it would be impractical for someone without technical expertise to pursue a career as a distributed network administrator.
Particularly intriguing is that this framework also accommodates individuals who possess technical acumen but lack familiarity with contemporary programming languages. In such cases, their trajectory aligns more closely with those who lack developer experience.
Yet, they can significantly enhance capabilities by dedicating effort to mastering a programming language (yellow square in the diagram). With additional training, they can qualify for a broader range of roles.
Hence, the dark blue blocks positioned on the left side of the diagram serve as crucial decision points that shape educational and career pathways influenced by prior training.
A significant realization emerges from this exploration: every stage of your learning path carries profound implications for your future, either closing or unveiling new opportunities.
Individual Learning Path: Strategy and Goals-Based Design
Within the learning paths realm, we can find fascinating examples that elucidate the significance of choosing appropriate programming languages and understanding their relevance to one’s aspirations. Look at the infographic on this page that guides commencing the programming journey based on individual goals.
To further augment our understanding, a subsequent infographic delves into the intricacies of Java programming language in 2020. Although I refrain from deluging this lesson with detailed information, you can explore any fresh example of the infographic on Java or any other programming language developer roadmap. It is worth noting that a solid foundation in general programming knowledge is essential before delving into the specifics of Java programming.
Our online school also offers personalized learning paths tailored to students’ unique objectives and prior experience. The diagram below showcases the diverse learning options available to individual learners and companies, encompassing comprehensive training and engaging projects.
It’s essential to remember that when it comes to learning, adopting an open-minded approach is beneficial. In today’s interconnected world, groundbreaking ideas often emerge at the intersections of diverse disciplines and areas of expertise. Many projects, like mine, would never have come to fruition without exploring seemingly unrelated subjects. Combining knowledge from different domains allows us to assemble the pieces of the puzzle.
Yet, selecting the fields of knowledge to study is a deliberate process guided by specific inferences and curiosity-driven motivations. We make conscious choices based on our interests and goals.
While the desire to acquire new knowledge is rarely in question, time constraints often hinder our endeavors. Striking a balance between studying and working can be challenging, as not everyone has the luxury to do both simultaneously.
In maximizing productivity, I stumbled upon an ingenious method to seamlessly integrate study and other activities . As we all know, reading takes up a significant amount of time, and as we explore a multitude of authors and subjects, we might feel that the value of books diminishes over time. So, what’s the solution?
Enter text-to-speech technology, the game-changer that has transformed my approach to learning. Now, an artificial voice reads books and texts to me, allowing me to absorb essential information while I exercise, walk, travel, or even drive. With this approach, I can efficiently consume valuable knowledge during my daily routines. If a book feels less impactful, I adjust the reading speed and absorb the content through my ears. And whenever I come across crucial points, I simply re-listen or re-read that information.
On average, this clever technique saves me a couple of precious hours each day. Moreover, it promotes a healthier lifestyle, as I refuse to sit idly while someone reads to me. Instead, I prefer to embark on invigorating walks, making my learning journey not just efficient but also wellness-oriented.
Synchronizing Learning and Career Paths: Maximizing Fulfillment through Integrated Growth Strategies
As practice shows, a personal learning path transcends the traditional linear progression of school, college, and university. Instead, it takes the form of disparate events within the fabric of life, molded by various circumstances.
Whether embarking on paid or free online courses, engaging in compulsory or optional work-based study programs, or pursuing educational endeavors at home, we must carefully tailor each training to meet our long-term goals. It becomes paramount to discern the specific domains of knowledge and the opportune moments for learning.
Constructing a comprehensive learning path necessitates more than one or a few goals. Our life consists of many simultaneous activities that include both work and leisure. Consequently, learning becomes an integral facet of almost every strategic project.
Designing and orchestrating an individual learning path calls for thoughtful planning. Recognizing that learning influences our strategic pursuits substantially, it becomes imperative to allocate our time, intellectual capacity, financial resources, and physical energy accordingly. Thus, this is indispensable to carefully consider learning formats, methodologies, and modalities (such as group or individual settings, full-time or part-time engagement, distance or in-person instruction, apprenticeships, and more).
In this way, our learning path will be an integral part of the strategy. It becomes a clear description of the individual milestones aimed at cultivating the skills and competencies requisite for realizing our strategic objectives.
Crucially, the fragments of our learning path and all other components of our life plan must blend harmoniously. Additionally, they should synchronize adeptly with our other undertakings, ensuring we do not become overwhelmed by an excessive load.
Let us envision our strategic projects as Gantt charts, wherein the components of our educational trajectory resemble the individual building blocks of our projects.
As a reminder, we are not constructing our learning path in this lesson because we don’t have the data yet. We will begin this work in Module 3.
Achieving Alignment: The Synergy Between Individual Learning Paths and Personal Strategies
During a recent webinar on learning paths, I came across a thought-provoking quote that resonated with me:
Plan your learning strictly according to your life plan. The learning strategy should be deliberate, not chaotic.
This simple yet profound statement emphasizes the importance of intentional and purposeful learning.
The webinar itself provided valuable insights into the process of constructing a strategic framework aligned with the long-term goals of a company. It emphasized the interconnectedness of business and personal strategies, highlighting how they can mutually reinforce each other.
However, despite its merits, the approach outlined in the webinar has flaws. Firstly, it assumes that one cannot proactively address and overcome challenges within a company by seeking alternative opportunities elsewhere. This perspective seems restrictive and fails to acknowledge the potential for growth beyond the confines of a single organization.
Moreover, a critical flaw lies in the assumption that an individual can consistently retrain or acquire new skills faster than the rate of business change. In reality, this is not the case. If true, others would also get similar retraining, resulting in fierce competition. So, to gain a competitive advantage, it is crucial to predict the employing company’s evolution and even forecast industry or economic growth in some cases. A well-thought-out personal strategy becomes indispensable in such circumstances.
In previous lessons, I introduced the Noosphereum eOS system that establishes a link between long-term plans and objectives of individuals and businesses. This system facilitates the synchronization of educational and career paths within a single company, as demonstrated in the example mentioned earlier, and enables the formation of long-term contracts in broader markets and the economy.
Drawing upon these insights, I have sketched my learning path based on project competencies. As I further develop my strategy, I will refine this path, fine-tuning the sequence, scope, and other aspects of my future training endeavors.
Individual Learning Path: Some Wisdoms
In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to adapt and align our skills and knowledge with the ever-evolving demands is essential, not only for students but also for seasoned professionals. In this context, life transforms into an enduring journey of continuous learning, where we navigate the ever-evolving learning curve of personal growth.
Wisdom 1: Ideal Personal Growth Model
Here is an excerpt on the ideal personal growth model. The author’s insights are so profound that I urge you to record any thoughts that resonate with you.
Wisdom 2: Insights on Learning and Choosing the Right University
I came across a thought-provoking post by Alexey Chernyak (check out the original post) that resonates with today’s topic. Here’s the full quote:
Eavesdropping near MSU (Moscow State University), two men in their thirties sat at a nearby table, engrossed in conversation. Based on their discussions, it was evident that they were programmers.
“So, what did we learn at university? How to party and have a good time. Everything else I learned on the job,” one of them remarked.
“You’re lucky. I only learned how to party,” the other responded.
Although I’m uncertain which university they were referring to, the essence remains the same.
Shortly after, an old friend reached out to me. His daughter is growing up, and he sought my advice on selecting the right university for her in a few years, considering her passion for design and artistic skills.
A Cheat Sheet for Prospective University Students
I recalled the conversation between those individuals and reflected on our own experiences led me to compile a cheat sheet “for university applicants and their parents” (simply my humble opinion):
1. The community and environment hold more significance than lectures and course content. The entire cohort should be selected based on talent, not financially. True learning takes place not only during classes but also in the interactions and experiences between them.
2. The quality of education matters less than the atmosphere where one learns undesirable habits. It is crucial to choose the right environment carefully. When deciding on a university for yourself or your loved ones, it is worth asking, “Is this the right place where my child will learn valuable skills, rather than engaging in harmful behaviors?”
3. The reputation of a university holds value because it attracts some of the most talented and exceptional young minds of their generation to one place.
Decoding the Significance of University Selection
The test question serves as a gathering ground for the most talented individuals in area X. For some, it may be in the field of design, while others excel in physics, mathematics, or economics.
4. The selection process holds greater importance than the entire five years of education. Mediocrity upon admission leads to mediocrity upon graduation. Entrance of talent yields the same in return.
Test question: What is the selection system employed by this university? Does it attract and filter the most gifted individuals, or is admission possible solely through financial means?
5. It is advisable to either apply for free admission through a competitive process or not apply at all. If a faculty offers admission in exchange for payment, it is best to reconsider.
6. For instance, the Faculty of Mechanics and Physics is an exceptional place of study. However, applying solely based on monetary means is unheard of, and rightly so. Admission is granted to those with talent, ability, passion, and sometimes those from low-income backgrounds. This fact is recognized and valued by both employers and graduates.
7. Economics, Law, and similar fields in many universities primarily attract individuals driven by financial motives. Consequently, these fields often become a gathering place for affluent parents. Such environments may not foster the concentration of exceptional talent.
On the other hand, if this is precisely the type of community you desire (one consisting of children from wealthy families), then you should consider choosing the most prestigious institution worldwide.
Can you name the most prestigious economics or law school globally?
Reevaluating the Conventional Approach
8. If gaining admission to a prestigious institution that fosters talent (through competitive and free means) proves elusive, it is better to refrain from applying altogether. It is more advantageous to pursue paid practical courses and enter the workforce, rather than spending five years immersed in drinking and partying, surrounded by less gifted peers.
9. While the question of university selection weighs heavily on everyone’s mind, the impact of the first job is far more significant. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider and choose your initial employment even before selecting a university.
The conventional approach entails selecting a university that provides free education funded by the state. Afterward, one embarks on the search for employment. Often, this process is rushed, resulting in studying for a profession one may not truly desire, leading to wasted years and personal dissatisfaction.
The wise approach involves identifying the ideal first job while still in school, assembling a portfolio, and subsequently choosing the world’s best university to pursue that career path for a lifetime.
10. The world has become interconnected, although there are attempts to fragment it once again. Competition has taken on an international scope, encompassing not only our peers but also individuals from China and India.
The test question is, are you confident in your ability to outperform 100 million Chinese counterparts?
If you are uncertain about your future field of study, it is advisable to focus on the same subjects revered in Ancient Greece: mathematics, languages (including programming languages), rhetoric, and sports.
My Comments on this Chapter
I want to share additional thoughts on this matter. It is important to note that this approach may not be suitable for everyone. While it may be beneficial for those aiming to achieve long-term business success, it can be a challenging path for individuals seeking a more balanced and less demanding lifestyle. Concentrated talent often implies intense competition, which can be daunting and require resilience.
Therefore, before embracing such a strategy, it is essential to evaluate your life trajectory carefully for the coming decades. Objectively assess your opportunities, capabilities, and long-term and medium-term goals, then select one or more learning path approaches accordingly.
In today’s rapidly evolving world, education is a lifelong journey, and it is unwise to place all hopes solely on university education. There are valuable insights in a book on personal strategy written by a graduate of a renowned American university: same troubles as with graduates of other institutions. Maybe the level of problems is different. Although, who knows?
Inverse Relationship Between GPA and Innovative Orientation
“The more students focus on test scores, the less creative they become”
Here are the other main thoughts of this article.
- Students today are stressed out about grades, more so than ever before.
- Many students responded to that post with comments about how their parents, teachers, and society, in general, are telling them that their future depends on getting straight A’s in high school and then again in college.
- Anything less than an A was unacceptable. Our parents ingrained in us early on that perfection was our only chance for success in this competitive world.
- Our parents, scholarships, teachers, and the Internet made us think we HAVE to get all A’s?
In the meantime, Google doesn’t ask for transcripts or test results.
Laszlo Bock, senior vice president of human resources at Google, told the NYT about Google’s hiring experience, “One of the things we’ve seen from analysing our data is that grade point averages are useless as a criterion for hiring, as are test scores… Google used to ask candidates for a transcript with grades. Still, we no longer do that unless you graduated very recently. We have found that they don’t predict anything.”
In the same interview, Bock explained, “I think the learning environment is artificial. So people who succeed in it are good at succeeding in that particular environment. Whereas you need people who like to understand things that, unlike curricula, don’t have an obvious answer.”
Bock pointed out that the more hiring experience Google has, the more they tend to hire people who don’t have college at all. He said they have teams where 14 per cent of the members have never gone to college.
Research shows a negative correlation between grades and a student’s innovation orientation.
Increasingly, research shows an inverse correlation between a student’s grade point average and their innovation ability. Researchers surveyed thousands of college graduates at five different higher education institutions using a set of psychological tests and questionnaires.
Their principal findings were the inverse relationship between students’ reported GPA and creative or innovative work orientation.
The higher the average score, the lower the students’ interest in innovation
As a possible explanation for this inverse relationship, the researchers suggested the following:
- Perhaps students with a propensity to innovate compared to students with a higher grade point average care less about the grades that characterise their memorisation ability,
- On the other hand, college students with innovative intentions may be more likely to approach their education to gain new ideas and experience than receiving external assessments in grade point averages.
Individual learning pathway: further arguments
Many other studies point to similar conclusions. For example, studies in China show that high school graduates who scored the highest on the gaokao exam (the Chinese entrance exam to higher education) performed less well in later life than those who scored lower.
As our schools increasingly move towards an almost exclusive focus on achievement through tests, creative thinking, objectively measured, declines at every level of education.
Our education system was designed for a different age when jobs demanded total commitment and unquestioning obedience when innovative thinking was considered unnecessary for most people.
Ironically, instead of adapting our educational system to modern needs, we have further deteriorated the old system, so young people today find it harder than ever to retain and develop their natural curiosity and creativity.
Employers are now better advised to look for those who have cracked the system rather than those who have adapted to it. As a result, more and more employers are starting to do this.
About the author
Peter Gray is the author of Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life.
Unlocking Personalized Learning Paths: Training Matching Services
I must begin with a disappointing revelation: the existing services I have encountered cannot replace your analysis. While there may be a possibility of future universal systems that recommend learning paths, this field is still in its nascent stage of development.
However, I assure you that the information presented in this section will be valuable.
The concept revolves around assessing your abilities, identifying your desired positions, and offering tailored training options that align precisely with your goals and learning path. The process involves:
- Inputting your competencies,
- Undergoing a comprehensive assessment,
- Selecting from a curated list of professions that match your needs.
Subsequently, you get competencies to acquire and appropriate course recommendations.
Unfortunately, many available tests attempt to accomplish these tasks simultaneously, resulting in subpar quality. Nonetheless, it is always beneficial to undergo an additional examination and get guidance when shaping your educational journey.
Profilum: Unlocking Hidden Talents
In the original version of this lesson, I delved into an impressive service known as Profilum. However, I understand that different countries have distinct needs, and this particular service may not apply to most of you. Regrettably, there are no plans for a global expansion, so I started searching for similar alternatives. Although the analogs fell short, especially their free versions, I will examine one of them more closely.
According to the creators of Profilum, it is a groundbreaking technology designed to identify and nurture individual talents. By pinpointing specific skills, they connect them to professions that have the potential to unleash one’s full capabilities. Moreover, they analyze labor market trends and develop intelligent systems that construct personalized paths for personal growth.
The concept sounds intriguing. I had previously tried this service and even bookmarked it. Recently, I revisited it and noticed significant improvements in the test visualization. However, the selection of training programs remained disappointing in terms of quality.
Naturally, Profilum cannot provide an exact roadmap for personal development and education. Nevertheless, undergoing a personality assessment and exploring suitable professions could align with the project I envisioned. Therefore, I will provide a summary of my test results, which may assist in formulating an effective strategy.
Skills and abilities
In analyzing the current landscape of research and communication skills, I am delighted to discover a remarkable alignment with the specific skills required for my project.
The test discovered that I am a creator-inventor, a humanist, and a design technician. I liked it. My project corresponds to all three talents. It aims to achieve humanistic goals, improve social laws, and create new things using new technologies.
It is worth noting that even if my proficiency in this area is average, it should not significantly impact the success of my project. My role lies in the integration of diverse technologies rather than the invention of these technologies themselves—a task that would be overly ambitious for me.
Although my aptitude for problem-solving may not be exceptionally high, it is clear that I will need to provide additional support in operations and administration. Considering this, I will likely seek the assistance of an individual to work alongside me. I shall make a note of this conclusion in my notebook for future reference.
Talents and Untapped Potential
According to the assessment, I possess a combination of talents: creator-inventor, humanist, and design technician. This revelation resonates deeply with me as my project aligns perfectly with all three of these talents. It is driven by a profound desire to achieve humanistic objectives, enhance social laws, and forge new frontiers by harnessing cutting-edge technologies.
Recommended Training Programs
When reviewing the offered training programs, I initially found myself amused by the recommendations in Italian, English, comic studies, and programming. However, upon closer examination, I realized that these suggestions may not be entirely outdated.
As mentioned in previous lessons, proficiency in English is crucial for an international project. Moreover, considering the close connection between my project and information technology, a computer course seems appropriate and necessary. Therefore, I am making a note in my journal to prioritize learning a programming language, which I will decide upon later.
Recommended Professions
During the exploration of my potential career paths, the test invited me to consider becoming a tour guide, a teacher, and a sociologist. Alongside these options, I was also presented with salary expectations for each profession.
While the projected salaries may not be remarkably high, a sense of practicality urges me to prioritize my project. Given that my project revolves around studying society and the intricate mechanisms of its interactions, it becomes clear that I will need to communicate extensively about the project, showcasing its noteworthy aspects and conducting genuine scientific work. These requirements align remarkably well with the professions of a guide, sociologist, and teacher.
Considering the convergence of my project’s objectives and the skills demanded by these professions, it seems that pursuing any of these paths would provide a suitable foundation for my endeavors.
In conclusion, the test has proven to be a valuable tool for my self-assessment. I am pleased to discover that many of my test results align closely with the requirements and objectives of my project. Furthermore, the identified gaps in my competencies appear to be reasonably addressable within a timeframe of approximately one year, given sufficient effort.
Interestingly, despite the test and training courses are primarily designed for schoolchildren and students, I have personally benefited from them. It serves as a testament to the potential usefulness of such resources beyond their intended audience.
Lastly, I would appreciate it if you could provide any recommendations or suggestions regarding services similar to the one described above in the comments section of this lesson.
Unveiling Your Potential with the Career Explorer
Now, let us delve into the Career Explorer service. Within 30 minutes, I completed the comprehensive test and obtained intriguing results.
The outcomes may not directly translate into practical implications, yet they undeniably boosted my ego.
These results align precisely with my Noosphereum project, providing further affirmation.
I hope my personality archetype has been accurately assessed, as it bolsters the likelihood of my project’s success.
Moving forward, let us explore the subsequent portion of the results. This graph serves to substantiate their conclusions.
The findings of the interests test corroborate their previous assessments.
And what do they propose in terms of suitable careers for me?
Their top career recommendations have left me impressed and appreciative, prompting a moment of reflection accompanied by a soothing cup of tea.
Interestingly, in my childhood, I aspired to become an astronaut or a pilot. Although I had time to fly in sports aviation, my path eventually led me into the field of engineering, which has brought us together here.
Now, let us turn our attention to the learning paths. As anticipated, the results are rather lackluster.
The learning path recommendations provided fall short, failing to align with my intended professional trajectory.
While the service claims to offer personalized results, it appears unlikely that it will furnish me with the appropriate learning pathway.
Consequently, the exercises we have engaged in thus far guide us toward formulating a personalized strategy. It becomes evident that we must independently design our individualized learning pathway.
Revealing Insights: Projections of US Jobs by Occupation until 2028
In the supplementary section of the upcoming lesson, you can download a captivating analysis outlining the trajectory of US jobs until 2028. I highly encourage you to thoroughly examine all the provided information, with a particular focus on Tables 1.4 and 1.5. These tables offer valuable insights into the occupations experiencing substantial growth and decline in job opportunities. Such knowledge is paramount for shaping your career path and determining the ideal learning trajectory.
As this lesson falls within the public domain, I will share a snippet from one of the tables—the remarkable Table 1.5, which showcases the occupations projected to witness the most significant decline in job positions from 2018 to 2028. I urge you to closely scrutinize this data, drawing comparisons with the occupational landscape in your own country.
Remember, staying informed about these employment trends empowers you to make informed decisions about your future endeavors.
Assignment: Designing Your Learning Path
See the assignment in appropriate lesson of this course.
Creating Your Personal Strategic Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fulfill Your Mission Statement
Deem Rytsev is the founder of Strategium.Space and specialises in strategic management in his academic and business activities.